Food Tip: About Spinach!!

spinachHey, hey, hey!!

Since I came to Greece, one of the vegetables I’ve been eating really often is Spinach!! I didn’t really eat spinach all that often back in Venezuela because I found the taste to be so bitter…but over here, the taste is completely different!!! It is definitely a lot nicer!!

At first I started introducing Spinach into my diet by only eating it in the Spinach Pies Yaya (my bf’s grandma) makes; then, baby spinach in salads, which is common to do here when you go to restaurants; then I heard about the Kale Juice/Smoothie trend a couple of years ago, but since I didn’t know what Kale was or where to find it, I made the Kale Juice into a Spinach Juice! I’ve been making different variations of it since, and drinking it as a morning snack, not every day, but maybe 4 -5 times a week.

Over time I’ve been finding different articles supporting the benefits of Spinach!! Check out some of these amazing benefits of including spinach in your everyday diet!!!

  • According to an article in spinach is loaded of benefits that make us look “beautiful”!!!

spinach is loaded with zeaxanthin and carotenoids lutein, which are essential substances that can make your eyes look more youthful and brighter. After all, you can’t be beautiful with tired and red eyes, since that’s the first thing people see when they look at you. What’s more, spinach is rich in iron, an important mineral that can give you a healthier-looking complexion. So, make it a point to eat spinach everyday to achieve all these promising skin health benefits.”

  • I also found another article that at that said that consuming Spinach Before or After your workouts is highly beneficial!!

If consumed Pre-Workouts Spinachboost strength with phytoecdysteroids (a natural plant steroid) ; If consumed Post-Workouts it may “increase muscle growth by a whopping 20%

  • According to (shape magazine), raw spinach is one of the top 30 Hydrating Foods:

“spinach is undeniably a great food to fill up on when you want to lose weight. One cup provides more then 50 percent of your daily vitamin A needs, as well as being high in protein and vitamin C”

I am so glad I started juicing and introducing different Fruits & Veggies in my morning drinks!! If you want to start introducing Spinach into your diet, try my First Fruits & Veggies Juice Recipe!!

Did you already know how wonderful Spinach is???



Yoggi B.